Flight Attendants Reveal 10 Things Airlines Won’t Tell You About
Traveling by plane is like walking on ice for newcomers. One wrong move and you’re gone, it seems. For the adept, it feels as if you should know something you don’t. Perhaps you should not have touched anything, and perhaps there is a better way to board the plane. However, there are some things you should not know about the flight crew.
Whatever your level of flying experience, you might learn something from this Reddit thread by user Ayyitsjameslmao. In this article, we compiled the most interesting and useful plane hacks, do’s and don’ts, and airline secrets shared online by some flight attendants. Don’t you think you’ll remember these on your next flight?

“I work as a flight attendant….
Many incidents occur on planes that ordinary passengers are unaware of or do not consider. On my last flight, an elderly man s**t on the floor, stepped in it, and continued as if nothing had happened. DO NOT WALK AROUND ON YOUR BAREFOOT. Pee and poop happen everywhere. I frequently witness a “accident” in their seat or in the restroom. People experience nosebleeds or have their wounds open. Obviously, when we land, we thoroughly clean the area. However, our resources are limited in flight.
REMOVE YOUR BABY’S DIAPER FROM THE TRAY TABLE. This is something that happens all the time. It’s unsanitary, and people use the tray table to eat, put personal items on, and so on.
Finally, it is NOT a flight attendant’s responsibility to lift >your bag. There have been numerous injuries caused by flight attendants lifting heavy bags to be friendly, and they have been out of work for months to a year as a result (on average). You lift it when you pack it. If it’s too much for you, it’s too much for us.
Happy flying, everyone!”

“They will fart on you if you p**s off the cabin crew. The pressure on an airplane naturally makes you gassy, and it’s easy to puff one off in the face of an annoying git while bending down to speak to someone on the other side of the aisle.”

“Tray tables are rarely, if ever, sanitised, so avoid placing food on them.”

“More often than not, planes fly “broken”… I dated a girl who was a flight attendant and had a brother who was a flight mechanic at Sky Harbor in Phoenix. They told some bizarre stories about planes that flew with equipment that may or may not have been operational. The duct tape game is fierce.”

“If I tell the pilot, “I don’t feel safe with a passenger in seat 35A,” you can and will almost certainly be removed from the plane. So think twice before acting like a total jerk on the plane. Jackass behavior is usually tolerated.”

“According to a flight attendant, when passengers are required to cover their heads, they do not ‘lock’ their fingers over their heads, but instead place one hand on top of the other. If something falls on your hand or head, you’ll still have one working hand.”

“Sometimes there are body parts in the storage area near your luggage ( when they are flying transplants for hospitals). Your pets are also in the same area.”

“Count the number of seat backs to the nearest exit. There’s a good chance you won’t be able to see in some accidents.”

“An airplane can fly with just one engine, and if one of them catches fire, they can extinguish it while still in the air.”

“Most domestic flight attendants in the United States are only paid from the time the doors close and the plane takes off until the plane lands and the doors open. So, if it takes 45 minutes to get everyone on board and seated, there will be no pay.”
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