Parents quit their jobs to travel the world with their three children in a caravan


Mike was a firefighter and Brooke was a travel agent and they decided to transform their family’s lives.

Children, employment, and being enslaved by a mortgage are usually the factors that prevent us from doing so.

This family, on the other hand, took the risk of quitting their jobs to travel the world in a caravan with their three young children.

Mike Pope, 40, and his wife Brooke, 39, have spent the previous few years traveling through more than 15 countries with their three children, Max, eight, and Mila, six.

After leaving their full-time careers as a firefighter and a travel agent, Mike and Brooke pay their travel lifestyle through remote online marketing jobs.

Since then, the Melbourne-based family has traveled to Malta, Mexico, Serbia, Boston, Florida, Iceland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and around Australia.


‘Brooke and I have always enjoyed travel and experiences, and we visited many countries before having the kids,’ Mike added.

‘Our love of travel pushed us to pack our things and travel the world in February 2020, not long after Daisy was born.’

It was difficult to let go of the majority of their belongings.

‘We threw a lot of stuff away when we went for a life of travel, which was difficult at the time, but you realize you don’t need all those things,’ Brooke explained.

Mike and Brooke had not yet purchased their mobile home and were staying in rental and vacation properties.

Their first stop was Disney World in Florida, followed by a trip to Mexico, where they were stuck for four months due to Covid-19.

‘Our accommodation was fantastic,’ Mike added. ‘So the kids got to play in the pool most days; the only drawback was that we couldn’t leave unless we needed to go grocery shopping.’

After leaving Mexico, the Popes traveled to Iceland and then New York before crossing Europe because Australia’s borders were still closed.


The family has been traveling across Australia in a 4×4 with a caravan since returning to Australia during the Christmas period in 2020.

‘When we returned to Australia, we were immediately back on the road; we’ve traveled through New South Wales, the Kimberley Region, Tasmania, and a lot of other locations,’ Mike explained.

‘Australia is so large that we’ve only touched the surface.’

The parents homeschool their children for about an hour and a half each day, in addition to learning about the world.

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