In this biosphere tree hotel, you can sleep among the bird
A massive orb hangs suspended from the trees in the midst of a beautiful Swedish landscape. It consists of 350 birdhouses. The birdhouses form a posh hotel room where you can actually sleep.

The Treehotel Biosphere embodies Nordic design aesthetics: clean lines, simple elegance, and neutral colors. Treehotel has a total of eight different suites. The sky suite shown here is the eighth. It also has 111 square feet and, yes, 350 birdhouses on the exterior. They serve their purpose. The design encourages wildlife to nest there. As a result, all of the birdhouses are made of wood and have simple, clean designs.

Furthermore, glass is used throughout the structure. It provides views of the trees beyond while also providing privacy and interior shade. The suite, on the other hand, has an accessible roof from which guests can stand and gaze out at the forest. It’s a temporary residence for humans, but it’s a permanent residence for the many birds that will live in the birdhouses. The towering Swedish pines are an integral part of the experience, providing breathtaking views from every angle.

Spend a night in the trees, surrounded by birds, to see how simple design can improve the environment and provide more living spaces for wildlife. What a unique hotel concept!